I can't believe I remembered to stop my watch. Should've run faster.

Nov 6, 2007

Week 10: building it up.

(Monday, 29 October)
Orange Grove loop with Susan, got a bit faster than usual because I felt skittish. Pretty optimistic for Oregon.

(Tuesday, 30 October)
5 on 2 off times 5, everyone led an interval. (Masha, me, Susan, Stephanie, Justine). I ran really fricking hard on my interval. Sometimes it feels good to run hard.

(Wednesday, 31 October)
Halloween run around San Marino! Soooo much fun. ~7 miles, some parts were fast because I was so excited. Me = Caltech themed superhero, Susan = bumblebee, Rosen = flapper (he got lots of honks), Anton = a geek, Nathan = a UPS guy, Perrin = house elf, Justine = butterfly, Sairyann = belly dancer, Sedona = ninja. I decided my superhero quest would be seeking out people with bad personal hygiene.

(Thursday, 1 November)
Pretty easy except for a 15 minute section in there. Left knee a little irritated again. It felt better after about 10 minutes though. Gonna heat and take care of it for reals tomorrow. The only good thing about today is that I sent in my NSF and Hertz apps. Shortly afterwards I realized I have to take the GRE on Saturday and I don't even know how long the test is. Frick.

(Friday, 2 November)
7 on, 3 off, 5 on, 3 off, 3 on 2 off times 2, 1 on 1 off times two. I ran my guts out. Heated and iced the knee, and it felt okay. Frickin GREs and shit. Really feeling shitty and lame. But after running hard I felt better.

(Saturday, 3 November)
Off. Got myself owned by the GRE in CS. I wish I was dead. I am a pathetic excuse for a human.

(Sunday, 4 November)
Ran in the Arroyo with I. Felt like 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag. It was awful. Tired, dizzy, gross. Oh yeah... I guess this is what not being able to sleep and being stressed out does to you.

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