(Monday, 28 January)
The joy of being away from school and coming back and getting bushwhacked begins. I decided to combat this phenomenon by doing a long run, and I ended up with a little more than I bargained for - turns out whole Arroyo is 10, not 9. So it was about an hour and a half, but I got to chill the whole time with Masha so it felt great. By the end my legs were a little achy, but I'm going to try and get some good quality sleep to rest them up for the track work tomorrow. Also, there was some weird, tweaky pain in my knees and shins, so I whirlpooled afterwards. It seemed to work its way out though.
Turns out everyone I know is sick right now, so I'm feeling a little paranoid. Tomorrow is going to be a bitch. I hate this early-week stress.
(Tuesday, 29 January)
Calamity of my life. Stupid math shit and no notes and ARGH I hate being out of town sometimes! Yes it was totally worth it but right now it doesn't feel like it. I need to cut my losses.
At least the workout came first during the day instead of later. Morning with Susan and Masha, the Lombardy warmup/tempo out and back from last week (same time, about 9.40s). Then, 4x800s on the track with one lap rest jog in between. 2.58/59/59/59. They felt like kind of a struggle (also, I'm still maybe getting sick). It was about 7 miles total.
(note: Wednesday - after working all night I really need to keep it easy today. No stress, no hard run. I am definitely compromising my immune system).
(Wednesday, 30 January)
5 miles real easy Huntington + Circle loop. Hung with Heather and Best. It was real nice to run with them and take it easy on my legs since Susan is going to try and destroy them tomorrow. I'm feeling a little tired so I think a few miles easy will do me good.
Also, I basically spent this whole run venting to Heather. Which made me feel much better.
(Thursday, 31 January)
AM torture with Susan. No, not really - it was a great run. Took us about 30.45 to get out to the RB, then we did the tempo loop (~ <5k).>(Friday, 1 February)
Drove down to Boulevard for the RR. Feeling pretty gross - this is going to get worse before it gets better. Did a very short ride (<>
(Saturday, 2 February)
Boulevard RR. 6th/19. Really damn cold at the start line, but once I was riding I only noticed that my feet were numb. The climb was pretty good, I made it into a break about 6 miles out, but then I got with some gal from UCSD, but I couldn't really keep up with her so the last 3 miles or so I was TTing it. The good news was that 1) I didn't get caught and 2) it wasn't as windy as it had been last year. All in all a very nice day.
(Sunday, 3 February)
Red Trolley. 7th/17. Wet pavement and cold meant I was really scared I would crash, but I didn't. Rode pretty much the whole way with a gal from CalPoly and a gal from UCLA. UCLA did not do a lick of good the entire time, which did not make me a happy camper. Then of course after sucking our wind the whole time (me and Cal Poly traded laps, it was great) she outsprinted us at the end. So, you can look at the results and find her name and know not to roll with that gal. This race reminded me a lot of a 5k on the track, except you get breaks. I think I could have rode even harder. Looking forward to doing another one in the future under drier conditions.
I am not getting any sportsmanship awards either, though. This is the conversation I had with succubus girl after we crossed the finish line:
Succubus: (laughing and being friendly) Oh hahaha! I lost my contact lens on the first lap and I couldn't see a thing! All I could do was keep looking at your orange shorts! (The new Caltech kits have shorts with and orange panel in the back). The whole way I was just thinking, "orange shorts!" Hahaha, I'm so friendly and cute, don't be mad at me! (She didn't say the last part but she was thinking it).
KB: (Dumbfounded pause, looking at this gal like she was an alien) Well at least you could see well enough to sprint at the end. (Then I rode away, she didn't say anything, I think she was pretty surprised).

I can't believe I remembered to stop my watch. Should've run faster.
Jan 28, 2008
Week 4: getting my [run] on
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yes, i did know about "intensive porpoises", but even they are outdone by their cetacean cousins, the "killer whales"
another one everyone says wrong is "try and", as in "try and stop me." it's actually "try to stop me." "and" literally means that you're going to do both.
i remember seeing a very extensive website that cataloged thousands of such things but i forget where it was
never mind. here it is
unrelated to the previous topic:
I'm very fond of the visualization power of the spreadsheet log you have going on. Is there a trick to it, or do you have to copy-and-paste text from blog posts into the run descriptions?
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