Monday, 20 April
Got up to watch the marathon at Henry's house with Tom and Jesse - very fun spectating! It was interesting to hear Henry's comments on race strategies, and the different psychologies behind the male and female lead packs. I went for an easy run around the neighborhood afterwards, to check out UNM (very pretty) and run around the golf course (a classic run around here apparently). It was nice (but warm) and I only got marginally lost at the beginning of the run.
Later I went on a 20 mile bike ride or so (very easy) with Loren, who is really cool. We talked about a lot of interesting things and the scenery was just awesome. Nice bike paths too! Like the river trail, but prettier. Checked out the mountains and the Rio Grande. It took about 1:40.
Tuesday, 21 April
The hill. I wanted to take it my own pace (easy) this morning to get myself loose and ready for tonight's track workout. I did 5 of the hill (in a row), which felt way better than Thursday because 1) I took it really easy, and 2) I'm adjusting. I just tried to run it like Henry does - perfect form, slow, strong. I thought about my form a lot, and practiced really driving up at the top, which I think will help for my 1500. After I did my 5 (HR at the top = 185), I did drills and strides (4). I think my form is really improving on the drills, so I'm feeling good about that. FYU, my HR was about 160-175 on the warmup/cooldown. Legs felt really good afterwards.
After breakfast I went to pick up Demar at Henry's place, because he was getting a massage. Henry made me Kenyan tea which was awesome. Similar to Indian tea like Vibha's mom makes it, but very very sweet. I felt relaxed afterwards and amazing. Demar looked like a wet seal all covered in massage oil.... but watching Henry work on him blew my mind, he was like a surgeon or something. Demar said it was amazing. I'm a little jealous.
PM: track workout. Robby's suggestion:
3 x (300 then 200)
2x 200
57 (1:07) 35 (2:57)
54 (1:16) 36 (3:16)
53 (1:15) 36 (6:45)
33 (2:38)
33 (3:41)
16 (2:09)
30 minute cooldown, 1st mile barefoot
So, the 300s were a little faster than I wanted and the 200s a little slower. The rest was brutally little - between the 3s and the 2s especially - it was hard to jog across the field to the start again. The straight 200s and 100s felt fine, though. Afterwards I thought I was going to throw up pretty much all night.
This was a great workout for 2 reasons, 1) the times were solid, and 2) the effort was really intense; I got myself pumped beforehand and was really ready to hammer it. I felt focused. I am getting nervous about my ability to sub-5 it at Oxy.
Workout suggestions for the track on Thursday?
Wednesday, 22 April
Easy run, my lower legs are feeling a little sore today, just like last Friday. Wanted to take it a little easier and longer than I did, but ended up running and chatting with one of the Dukes' friends who works at Sandia. It was a little brutal, but also probably partially because we were up at 6500ft (it's 5300ft here). My stomach still isn't feeling normal today.
Thursday, 23 April
AM: I decided to make the house crepes, so I didn't go to the hill today. Instead, I jogged easy by myself around the neighborhood, ending up at the grassy park right by the house (the "Southwest North Field") and did some barefoot running (a little less than a mile) and some strides (4 good ones) and some drills (about 10 minutes, also good quality.) My legs felt really good afterwards and I feel rested and fresh for tonight. Now I just have to take it easy for the day, and get ready for the track tonight.
I think I am going to do a ladder with plenty of rest, to work on quality stamina, since I've done some speed on the track so far. This could be rough up here. Jesse suggested a potential workout is 200/400/800/1000 (?)/800/400/200, and I'm thinking equal (or plenty) rest. If things go well I might want to finish up with some strides or short stuff like Tuesday (200s and 100s), but we'll see. I also may abort on the 1k depending on how the volume feels. I realize this would be 3800 hard for 1500 prep, which may not make a lot of sense.
Friday, 24 April
Drove back from Albuquerque to Pasadena. Stopped in Flagstaff and ran a couple of miles, which felt good (even though it was at 7.5kft+) The observatory was really pretty. The running really helped me stay focused on the road, I think. I also stopped in Kingman and did some drills in the parking lot of the truck stop (much to the amusement of the locals). The final stop was in Claremont - it was good to be in a familiar place to roll out a few miles on local turf (the "North Field East" at Harvey Mudd). I was pretty wiped out by then.
Saturday, 25 April
Easy run with Ian at the Oxy track. Barefooted it for a while (2 miles?) then put on some shoes. Man, that's a nice surface to run barefoot on! My right foot has a little sore-ish blister-ish spot on the botton between my first and second toes, just like when I did all the beach barefoot stuff in Fiji. Legs feel okay, but my left calf/shin muscles are really sore and tight, especially on the inside. Kim gave me a wicked massage (it was so painful - wow.). She said to keep a special eye on things, because it is common for this type of soreness to lead to shin splints.
Sunday, 26 April
Okay, so I know I'm supposed to be taking it easy, but instead I ran up Brown Mountain today. It was just too tempting. I promise to take tomorrow off. I think I might be addicted to trail running right now... like I really couldn't talk myself out of the run today with logic. The price I paid was my calf/shin (left one) hurting up at the top of the mountain, and then just ginger-footing it back down. I am going to heat and roll and ice today, I promise.
The run was really nice though.
Also, my mileage this week is over 50 - even with the two little days (driving back and Saturday). So it's time to take it easy.

I can't believe I remembered to stop my watch. Should've run faster.
Apr 21, 2009
NM: part the dos
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