(Monday, 12 November)
Took it easy, ran a bit barefoot on the NF, and lifted as usual. Working like a maddog on CS shiite.
(Tuesday, 13 November)
Rode up the start of Wilson with I and W, made it about 20 minutes up before I had to turn around and go to class. Total ride time about 2 hours. Man I love being on the bike. It's too bad my bike-handling skillz have gone to shit in the last 2 months. Rode over a huge gap in pavement on Linda Vista and may have destroyed my wheels, but more investigation is necessary (no pinch flat on them at least).
Back/neck hurt a little since I'm not used to biking any more. Calves also hurt, although now that I think about it, it might be because of all the barefoot running I did yesterday. (Well, "all" being about 15 minutes, but hey, it had been a while.)
(Wednesday, 14 November)
Didn't sleep very well last night. I had a dream about running the 10k on the track and it was very frustrating. I just couldn't get it rolling. Isn't it a little early for dreaming about the track?!
So I lifted today and that's going quite well. I also played some b-ball with myself. Trying to work on being able to dribble without falling over. This is why I don't do a sport that requires motor skills! But it's good for me. I'm pondering going to the track class tomorrow afternoon. Also I may play some tennis on Friday if I get up the nerve.
(Thursday, 15 November)
Went to the track class practice. It was pretty fun to jump around and do hurdle drills, and leap around with the medicine ball. I have no explosive/fast twitch muscles whatsoever! Oh man, I'm going to be so sore. Skipped rope, did step ups, hoppin'. Afterwards we did 3 300s and that was pretty chill (even though my legs were dead).
(Friday, 16 November)
Hips/upper IT feeling it today. I had been looking forward to lifting and such today, but I ended up working on a bike instead. Had lunch at the Ath with the Deans, which was mildly stressful but okay since Lisa and Mathieu were there. I have a mild crush on him.
I'll hit the weight room tomorrow after the banquet. Also I've been taking Kangway's advice and today I had a bunch of donuts and they were DELISH.
(Saturday, 17 November)
Off. XC banquet was today. Really stressed out about finishing the bike in time but it all came together thankfully. Ate a ton and worked a ton and went to Interhovse. It was fun but I should have eaten more at the party; those was some pretty stiff drinks. Still having trouble sleeping.
(Sunday, 18 November)
Went on a short bike ride (only an hour) to whip my hangover, which worked. Didn't get a nap in, though. Which is too bad, because I had another night of bad sleep again. Lamesauce.

I can't believe I remembered to stop my watch. Should've run faster.
Nov 13, 2007
Week 1 of 2: R&R
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It's never too early to start dreaming of track. Actually, I really hate my dreams about running because it's always the stuck in molasses feeling. My cadence is never over like 50, and I feel like I'm dying.
In any case, I like how you are experimenting with new activities. I think you should also experiment with new and exciting foods. Rest and recovery is all about eating really interesting and deliciously fatty and exotic foods that you'd be worried about barfing up during regular season practice.
If you aren't buttering your donuts I don't know if it counts.
Just like if you aren't sugaring your candy that definitely doesn't count.
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