I can't believe I remembered to stop my watch. Should've run faster.

Nov 24, 2007

Week 2 of 2: more R&R (and pie)

(Monday, 19 November)
Lifted in the AM, Midnight mile in the PM. Ran 6.02 in a very chill race (although I got excited and ran the first 400 in like 83). Spikes are fun! Track is fun! Seeing the SCIAC folks was nice. Cool that 6.00 doesn't feel like a heart attack any more.

(Tuesday, 20 November)
Calves sore! Off - slaved in the lab.

(Wednesday, 21 November)
Weight room followed by travel. Calves sore!

(Thursday, 22 November)
Turkey Trot followed by lots of creamed onions, sweet potatoes, and pie. Ran same time as last year (21.47) but significantly more chill. Wasn't particularly in the zone, and wore my trainers. Tried to push the uphill and not die. Ran about 7.05, 7.35, 7.05. Pounded the downhill a wee bit too much. Coach O' got a big chuckle out of my school record. :)

(Friday, 23 November)
Ran up at the trails. 40 minutes, made it out almost to the road. They changed the trail at the stump! So it's a little shorter than usual. First mile was 8.00, stump at 11.30, and last mile was about 7.30 which sounds faster than it felt. I guess I was rolling it. Legs, especially quads and shins, a little beat up from all the downhill yesterday. Guess I should take it easy for a few days.

(Saturday, 24 November)
Off, feeling lazy and legs kinda beat up.

(Sunday, 25 November)
Off, traveling back to Pasadena. Sat next to Zack on the plane.


Megumi said...

hey kiddo! glad to hear you are eating pie and doing fun things, running and otherwise.

i would be totally honored if you ran the Tiger Run this year! ryan and i are passing the tiger run fun squad torch along to you and... maybe dan feldman? (i'm trying to get him to do it too :)) but you should definitely, definitely do it! there are some mean hills in there, but its always a good time. you can sign up at run with us, or at the cafeteria on the day of.

anyways, enjoy your vacation and i'll see you soon!


Ryan said...

Nice Turkey Trot - did Crosby defend his title?

Also: you should do the Tiger Run 10k because it's rad and we need to keep the victor IN THE FAMILY.