(Monday, 26 November)
Behind the knee on right leg still hurting; WTF? Weight room, tried to be ginger with the leg. Definitely better than yesterday when I was hobbling through the airports of the world.
(Tuesday, 27 November)
Worked like a biblical slave on the mystery DDG assignment that I didn't know about until today... at least I had the bliss of going to Home Depot last night while I was still unaware of it. Wanted to get out for a run but didn't. Blah.
(Wednesday, 28 November)
Continuing slaveage, but making some progress finally. Picked up cat trap from a nice lady out by the Rosebowl (I'd biked by her house a million times). Going to catch that feral that's been eating off our front porch! Catburgers tonight! Quote of the day (advice from IS regarding how to treat the cat while he was in the cage waiting for fixin'): "Make sure to talk soothingly to him/her. Also, check for balls so we know if its a boy or a girl!". I didn't see balls but I didn't see lack of balls either so still not sure of the gender.
Lifted in the AM before realizing that I had HELLA work to do and didn't have time for a run.
In other news, Mark met some pavement in a bad way and broke his arm. Lame.
(Thursday, 29 November)
Took cat to vet clinic in the AM. Going to get a run in today, even if I have to fatty waddle around in the dark after cooking class. I haven't been able to sleep recently, and I think it's in part due to the lack of runs. Let's just think of this week as "rest for the Tiger run".
Speaking of which... y'all better have low expectations for moi performance on Saturday. To make up for my poor running ability, I have enlisted Susan to win the race.
Looks like my 2 weeks are turning into 3. But, I'm still lifting and I have GREAT expectations for some epic bike rides coming up (especially during finals week, but also next week. Maybe Sunday morning.)
(Friday, 30 November)
Ran fairly hard for about 30 minutes in the 'hood. Discovered that there's a park up the street just north of mountain that has nice, thick grass on a mild hill that's good for about a 300m loop. Maybe something to check out. Ran by Dave's (hopefully) new place, which is nice, and enjoyed the rain.
More importantly: I'm still creeped out because I discovered post-run that I'd run the whole thing with one shoe that has about 240 miles on it, and one shoe that probably has over 700 miles on it (500 running and 200 walking around-in-miles from wearing it around town for the last year or so.) SO UNEVEN! It's like my whole life energy is out of whack now. Should I run 3 miles with those shoes' mates now to even things out? GAH! I'm just trying not to think about it. This is what I get for having 5 pairs of shoes in a row that are exactly the same year and model.
(Saturday, 1 December)
SP Tiger run. Ran 45.34. (I checked and the flat road 10k I did in Solana Beach at the end of July was 46.27). Felt relatively snazzy, splits were 6.51, 7.03, 7.08, 15.26(?), 7.48, 1.16. The first hill wasn't that bad, but afterwards I got a minor cramp and had to fight it off on the downhill instead of yupping it up. 2nd hill was worse, because I was trying not to get a repeat of Multis. At the top Susan was all waiting for me like "come on, lazy", and then she told me that there was a girl like 200m behind us so I sucked it up and we went balling down the hill. She might have been making it up though. Slipped and fell on the way down the switchbacks, but it was so steep I actually didn't fall that far. :) Fun times.
Also, the new track is really nice. I'm glad they're putting our entry fees to good use. Lovely pie-date with the 'Gumster and the Herr Doktor afterwards.
In other news the kitten is hiding behind the fridge.
(Sunday, 2 December)
Took a moderate bike ride up 39 for about 1.30 out before I decided that I should turn around and do some work. I, W, A made sure I was working plenty hard on the way out, but I was able to ditch them on the way back (they get to go up GMR because they aren't slaves in the CS lab all their lives, lucky bastards). 65k total and about 2.40. Got to pass some old guys on nice bikes coming back past Encanto on the way back.
My climbing muscles are shot and I was surprisingly tired afterwards, but on the whole I had an excellent time. Looking forward to some quieter, lazier, longer solo rides in the coming weeks.

I can't believe I remembered to stop my watch. Should've run faster.
Nov 29, 2007
Week 3 of 2: I'm still slacking and school is kicking my butt.
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