I can't believe I remembered to stop my watch. Should've run faster.

May 23, 2008

Week 2: chilling out

(Monday, 19 May)
Ran for about 25 minutes before basketball class. I jammed my finger (right hand 4th finger) really good. It hurt. Actually it was embarrassing and I tried to play it down because I did it on one of the balls from the machine, after Dow had yelled at this other kid in the class for throwing passes to me too fast. He yelled at him twice while we were doing this passing drill like, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! Katherine, you TALK to him after class." and then "That pass would be okay for Bryan Hires, but not for her, why?" reply: "because her arms are shorter?"

Later on we were doing something else and Dow tells him to go across the way and then with no warning just HURLS the ball at him as hard as he could. The guy obviously barely catches it and then Coach goes, "See!". He then proceeds to do the same drill with him that we had been doing before, but he just chucks the ball at him super hard, and the poor kid does the same thing I did where he can barely catch it. I felt a little bad, but everyone was laughing even though I think the point did get across. I'm glad I have Dow on my side.

(Tuesday, 20 May)
I think I took this day off, I can't even really remember.

(Wednesday, 21 May) (ditch day)
No one signed up for me and Jay's stack, which was kind of a bummer. Had a nice breakfast with JGonz & Co which was amazing. Then got suckered into helping out a bit which was not as pleasant, escaped to work on my bike (transferred all the old parts plus some lying around = new/old bike) then went to the beach with Jay, got a little wind/sunburnt, came back and finished the bike. I think it's actually running better than it was in the old configuration (KHS frame). It's really colorful too. The only thing that was messed up was the non-drive-side crank arm which came flying off a block from home. Ooops, guess I should have tightened those bolts a bit more.

(Thursday, 22 May)
Went to yoga today - holy crap, it was raining really hard! I did not expect that. My finger is feeling much better today. I did a hand stand, that was pretty cool.

(Friday, 23 May)
It's raining again today! I woke up and was like, "uuuugh, why did I agree to meet Susan this morning?!" and then I put on every piece of spandex at Parkwood and one of those dorky cycling caps and went out for my run. It was very nice actually. I ran into Justine on the way over to the gym and forced her to come with us (I think it was a bit of a death march for her) but she was really a good sport.

We did Lorain, which I think is about 6.5 miles round trip from the gym, plus the mile+ from Parkwood and back, so it was a 9 mile run. It's the longest I've gone in a loooong time and it was like no big deal. I guess I'm in okay shape! (Even though I haven't really run in over a week). Sweet.

(Saturday, 24 May)
Slobbed around, worked on Dave's around town bike, got Susan's bike off to her. Didn't feel too much like running because my stomach was gurgley after los beers last night. Feeling pretty good.

(Sunday, 25 May)
Rode down to Huntington beach on the LeMond. Shit, I gotta fix that headset. The m-f-er was crackalackin' the whole way down. Longest ride in a while, I should think. I kept having to tell my legs, "no seriously, you will not die, it's okay". It was a really nice ride, other than the head wind, but even that was okay. About 50 miles.

Afterwards Higgs and I went to Manhattan beach to sit in a hot tub and eat alcoholic chocolates with Rene, Nick and Co. so that was amazing. Hot tub = good call. I can't wait until Dave is rich and has a hot tub I can hang out in.

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