I can't believe I remembered to stop my watch. Should've run faster.

Sep 25, 2008

Departure to Baja

First off, my apologies for not staying up to date! (Megumi, I know you're the only one who's noticed so... sorry.) Here's the update. 

(Monday, 8 September)
Extended Lorain, with a bit quicker tempo from SM on. Legs feel great after some time off! In the afternoon, we did some pylos and "exaggerated running" which really were tough on my legs. 

(Tuesday, 9 September)
New hill route to replace Shenandoahs. It was a little less than a mile - about 1500m. (http://tinyurl.com/68v497) It was fairly rolling with some nearly flat sections, and some fairly steep sections. Great route! I ran with Sam, who was great on the flats, and I worked the hills for her. 6.47, 6.36, 6.34. Ran hard, but legs also really tired from yesterday. In the afternoon we did some aqua-jogging and I led some yoga-ish stretching and such. 

(Wednesday, 10 September)
Legs. So. Dead. I did tu Madre with Natalya, which was nice, but I also felt really thrashed. In the afternoon we ran to Lacy and back, with shin walks and striders in there. 

(Thursday, 11 September)
I left this blank in my log, but I'm pretty sure this was the day we did the tempo run from Garfield to San Marino. I ran with Best, and we staggered the start so that we started last. We did about 6.50 pace (19.48 for the 2.93 miler). It was very encouraging. I felt totally relaxed and under control, with the exception of the first half mile or so when Best was trying to go out too fast. 

(Friday, 12 September)
Left muy early for Baja. 

(Saturday, 13 September)
Fishing and swimming! 

(Sunday, 14 September)
Hired a fellow with a panga to take us snorkeling and fishing, ate TONS of clams, loved it! 

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